Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Everything that Rises Must Converge

The characters in the story and the the mother son relationship share a similar dynamic to Tom and his mother Amanda in The Glass Menagerie. The mother seems displaced. Julians mother is pleased living in a neighborhood that was fashionable forty years ago and works tirelessly so that her children will be "successful," and her definition of the term seems outdated. Similarly, Amanda is constantly telling stories of how wealthy she could have been and considers herself struggling through unfortunate times. She too imposes ideals of success on her children by signing her daughter up for typing classes and expecting gentleman callers.

The sons in the story bear the most striking similarities. They're both educated writers who are both very unhappy with their present circumstances. Julian is determined to "make himself completely numb during the time that would have to be sacrificed to her pleasure." This parallels the discontent of Tom living with his poor, oblivious mother who's world view is outdated. Both the characters end up feeling guilty and sorrowful when its over.

1 comment:

  1. I have not read the other story you mention but I agree with your take on the mother-son relationship. Julian and his mother seem to be completely opposite people, ideals and demeanor withstanding. Her affinity for the past makes his sick and the constant need to "know who one it" is tiresome. Not until the end to we actually get a sense of emotional connection from Julian when his mother is damaged and needs help. His emotions come out like a broken faucet, here we see Julian in the true emotional state he has been hiding.

    Jason Yelland


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