This came to mind after reading Objects. I took the classic typsetting language, Lorum Ipsum, then went through and re-arranged the words by sound in an attempt to replicate the style of aural over informational. Of course, since Lorem Ipsum is meant to look like latin, the overall effect isn’t exactly as ‘flowing’ as Gertrude Stein’s is, but I’m highly amused by the result, and enjoyed (in a somewhat perverse sort of way), doing this. Perhaps a Roman would think it very cutting edge.
Phasellus vestibulum egestas rhoncus. Nunc rhoncus augue ornare turpis iaculis id tristique erat volutpat. Quisque sed quis nisi. Pellentesque sed leo eu lorem lectus. Ut porta nibh id magna interdum tincidunt faucibus nec non luctus at, auctor ac sapien. Lorem scelerisque a nibh id magna vitae nisi a lacinia. Donec vestibulum aliquam est vel rhoncus augue ornare turpis iaculis id tristique erat elementum. Donec felis quam, molestie vel tristique erat nisi tincidunt faucibus nec non risus. Aliquam es donec condit. Fusce non varius a sollis mattis non varius magna, a bibendum sed, bibendum loreet malesuada orci. Nullamcorper hendum aliquam.
Nulla sodalesuada ornare, purus ultrisus augue est elit. Ut arcu. Sed turpis auctor, magna, a trices enim eget ligula, a sodalesuada trices condit. Ut at vel neque estas auctor, malesuada tincidunt. Fusce non fermentum. Nam nisi. Vivamus lobortis blandit. Fusce non varius auctor, malesuada tristique. Integet libendum sem in bibero vitae tempus ultris blandime
Praesent gravida consectetur orci, eget dolor. Donec mattis pulvinar purus ut mollis. Pellentesque tempor risus quis libero laoreet convallis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per inceptos himenaeos. Vivamus pellentesque lacus egestas. Donec posuere tristique senectus et malesuada fames ac turpis eget justo. Pellentesque tempor risus quis libero laoreet convallis. Pellentesque tempor risus quis libero laoreet convallis. Pellentesque tempor risus quis libero laoreet convallis. Pellente
I'm not really sure here. Your attempt is applauded, yet the depth of your piece escapes me. The connection from this to G.S. is felt in the random nature of your rendition. Therefore, the magic that G.S. has acheive with utter randomness is msatched with your Lorum Ipsum rendition.
ReplyDeleteWondering what your translation would be for this. But very good at capturing the art of Gertrude Stein. Could see some use of repetition here.