Thursday, February 11, 2010

Little Book of Days

Although Little Book of Days by Nona Caspers had its moments of effective descriptive language, I found the format very difficult to get past. It made the overall book feel very stilted and hard to read. It was definitely creative and I would give it overall points for uniqueness when it come to style, but I am a reader who appreciates beautifully descriptive language, and personally, I do not feel as though it reached its full potential in that sense. Don’t get me wrong, I do feel as though the book held strength in its power of observation when dealing with the ordinary pieces of life, focusing on mundane things such as cars, squirrels, neighbors, and the familiar concepts of desire and death. For example, Caspers spends a great deal of time focusing on Pigeons, animals that are not really loved by anyone. Overall, I would give the book props for going outside the box when it came to style, but it definitely didn’t wow me.

-Stephanie Dotto


  1. I also felt that some people would enjoy or dislike this book. The author wrote in a specific way that every detail would reflect her feelings, emotions, thoughts and experiences of that particular day. It is written in a creative way,in a format, that might add or detract given the preference of the reader.

  2. Definetly. The authors writing style was unique although somewhat distracting. It was interesting how she used those images to mirror her own thoughts and emotions.

  3. See i actually gravitated towards this book, i think it was because our writing styles were very similar. I thought the format matched the style of the authors writing, the small entries matched the fragmented lines and ideas. If it were a long expansive descriptive piece it would seem cluttered and jumbled.
    I enjoyed the images she decided to use because you could interpret a lot about the situation by purely assessing what exactly she was describing.She calls attention to little things because these are things we are constantly confronted with, and she often describes them as metaphors representing something commonly shared by people.


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