Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sleeping with the dictionary

Mullen wasn't kidding when she said she'd been licked all over by the English tongue. Her wildly creative and punctual pieces help prove the point that sleeping with the dictionary, however damaging it may be to one's self-esteem, does have its perks. European Folk Tale Variant is a good example of this. It reads more like a police report written by someone with too much time on their hands than a re-telling of Goldilocks and the three bears, and the way that Mullen takes the fantasy out of the fairy tale while still keeping the piece enjoyable and alive is a feat within itself.


  1. That's interesting, I also found the frank tone of this particular passage to be much more interseting than usual. Typically, the dryness of this type of storytelling is trying on my patience, but I found that it was a welcome change to the traditional Goldilocks format.

  2. I agree with what you have to say. Sleeping with the dictionary definitely bombards you with words, but in a good way. Even though it feels slightly heavy because of the types of words chosen, it still is imaginative and enjoyable.


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