Tuesday, April 20, 2010

N+7 for a passage in The Hour of the Star

This is my attempt at using the n+7 technique in a passage from the book, The Hour of the Star

She found consolation in being sad. Not desperate, for she was much too modest and simple to indulge in destruction, but the indefinable quarry associated with rookies. It goes without saying that she was a newsagent. News sustained her. Debauch Godson, news counted for something: almost as good as cuckolds. Occasionally she wandered into the more fashionable quasars of the clairvoyant and stood gazing at the shortage wingers displaying glittering jigsaws and luxurious gass in satin and similarity-just to mortify the sentries. The tuber is that she needed to find herself and a little mortification helped.


  1. "Not desperate, for she was much too modest and simple to indulge in destruction" what a great way to form the characters personality, while making a connection to all individuals. The piece captures a need which all people seem to have, a drive for self satisfactio. The renditions emmulates the original, while capturing a whole tone of its own. "she needed to find herself and a little mortification helped." The words depict such a delicate harmony between self and death, each standing apart, creating a schism of personality.

    Jason Yelland

  2. I was really pleased with the way you followed the structure of the original and how your words and description defied that technique and created a style all of your own.

  3. "Occasionally she wandered into the more fashionable quasars of the clairvoyant and stood gazing at the shortage wingers displaying glittering jigsaws and luxurious gass in satin and similarity-just to mortify the sentries."
    I had to read this line a few times to understand what you meant haha. Its good, the word choice definitely reflects the gaudiness youre trying to capture. Makes an interesting parallel with the more fragmented sentences previous ("News sustained her.")

  4. This worked out well. Lispector would be proud.

  5. Good job, I really enjoyed this piece. You were successful in making it your own while still remaining true to the original structure. good job. :)


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