Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"Ode to sleep" imitation of sorts

You can run towards her as fast as you want,
the spirit of nightly release,
but she's a master of evasion
and your fingers won't even come close
to the tail end of her wraith-like hair.
The trick is to try and stay awake.

Pay no attention to your half-ton eyelids
or random thoughts fired from tired
nerve endings in your brain.
Just fix your eyes to the darkened ceiling,
get comfortable
and rest assured she'll find you.
Her hands collect random ideas, fears and memories,
mashing them together into a muddled mess of a play,
the greatest play you'll ever witness
and the greatest play you'll ever forget.

Who's to say our dreams aren't reality?
That we're stuck in a world
were the impossible is possible,
and upon nightfall
we dream of normalcy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I read this after I attempted to take a 20 minute nap, but it just wouldn't happen with [her] being all evasive and what not. Any who I really enjoyed this, I think you captured the idea of sleep and dreams not only creatively but effectively as well. The last two lines of the second stanza were my favorite, which caused me to read the entire poem several times over.

  3. Liked the description of "half- ton eyelids." Also felt sleepy just reading this. Looking forward to sleeping and dreaming tonight. Our dreams do embody another realm of reality or normalcy.

  4. Great poem. It seems to contain some of the elements discussed in "Every Exit is an Entrance" as well- the play, insomnia, and sleep (or dream) world vs. real world- which I thought was really nice.

  5. I really liked this. It reminds me so much of those nights when I'm trying to sleep and the thougts that enter my mind. I particularly liked "the greatest play you'll ever witness. the greates play you'll ever forget." I never thought about the irony in our dreams vs reality like this. great job!


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